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Chinese University of Hong Kong Part-time Class in Central

《蕭先生》直線電話:59226978 可WHATSAPP  內地電話:14715696266Email:[email protected]歡迎業主致電本公司放售租盤賣盤!大量客源市場佔有率80%★長期客戶可享有最新樓盤資訊★為買家提供永久租務管理★免費介紹銀行貸款轉介★免費驗樓、裝修轉介★免費代辦水、電、煤★法律咨詢★歡迎投資移民查詢,令子女融入本港生活無論是購入自住,投資升值,區內換
K物業地產 / 住宅買賣KEN SiU 先生 (營業員)

FLAT SHARE @ Kowloon Bay (MALE roomate) U have 1room x 1 living area (HK$7,000/m)

A highly qualified and enthusiastic Mathematics tutor, with 7 years of teaching and private tutoring experience in Oxford, London and Hong Kong, guaranteed to achieve the best possible results

本品牌成立逾6年。此金鐘分店於2015年成立。主要業務包括服務式辦公室、虛擬辦公室、公司秘書、註冊香港及海外公司、會計及稅項。分店坐落於皇后大道東金鐘匯中心,太古廣場3期對面。金鐘港鐵站F出口。交通方便。店內裝修傢俬電器超過150萬。現時出租率 達9成,成交後即可營運。有意請聯絡 98880753 黃小姐

we offer brazilian bikini waxing,Welcome to Dolma Waxing Boutique
d美容 / 脫毛dolma

清靜合1-2人住 ,獨立洗手間,獨立水電錶 全新冷氣、全新電熱水爐、業主現有提供3尺床架。有3部電梯直達居住樓層,24小時保安及街閘密碼鎖,步行5分到MTR,樓下有巴士站、電車站、超級市場、恒生銀行 ,對面有鰂魚涌康樂體育館及公共圖書館、鰂魚涌市政街市、商場、酒樓 鄰近吉之島百貨 ,太古坊及太古城 $5200 包管理費,差餉 ,水電另計 2個月按金,1個月上期,水電按金 租客需提供要有工作証明

你好!我們正在出售位於灣仔的辦公室。您可以在以下連結獲得更多信息: 你可以給我們留言或發送電子郵件至[email protected]與我聯繫。希望能盡快與您聯繫! Our office is offered for sale. For more infomation:
物業地產 / 辦公室買賣會展辦公室出售 - Convention Plaza Office For Sale

A private mooring for rent, loacation hong kong island tai tem. any question sent sms whatsapp 51353897

A highly qualified and enthusiastic Mathematics tutor, with 7 years of teaching and private tutoring experience in Oxford, London and Hong Kong, guaranteed to achieve the best possible results for all

Highly qualified teachers and members of the Macau Orchestra give Cello and Violin lessons. Please visit for more info.

Marriage Proposal Planner in Hong Kong
a商業 / 節目及活動a1000times

A female native english with extensive experience tutoring student in Hong Kong, oral english for adult and young learner
J教學進修 / 補習J.Goodman

Treasure Land Property Consultants is a Hong Kong based property consultancy, dedicated to satisfying its clients’ needs by providing top quality professional services.
c商業 / 顧問ccomtreasure

Treasure Land Property Consultants is a Hong Kong based property consultancy, dedicated to satisfying its clients’ needs by providing top quality professional services.
t商業 / 顧問treasure123

金寶大廈罕有大套房平租,只租$4700;附有傢電如電視、貯物櫃、小桌子及雙人床架連床褥,兼有免費WIFI上網,新淨企理,附全新雅致裝修,間隔四正;擁開揚園景;單位內設CCTV,大廈內兼附有24小時完善保安管理及電梯。另大廈已全面翻新,外型及設備新淨。 此外,交通極方便,步行約10分鐘或搭輕鐵約4分鐘即到西鐵站(35分鐘車程直達尖沙咀),步行2分鐘即到輕鐵站,另樓下有巴士及通宵小巴直達港九新界,兼有

物業地產 / 住宅出租香港怡家酒店
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